

Wildforest is freedom, a gamble and independence
We enjoy musical experimentation, taking the risk that you might not like us
We make music by ourselves;
its sound, colour and essence are entirely edited by us
and we let our personal mark in everything we produce

We are seven artists, seven different stories
and we have decided to get out of our bedrooms in order to share our passion
Because music isn’t only made with notes, but also with human connections

We are passionate about culture
All kinds of art represent a source of inspiration
We are curious to know new technologies
and we look to the future, but we are nostalgic too
phisical supports like CDs, Tapes still have a value for us

And our music finds its maximum expression at live performances,
when it meets people and makes people meet
Because we like the virtual world, but we prefer reality much more

We want to create, supporting each other
We will make music, print CDs, introduce ourselves
We imagine to perform our music everywhere, both on the Internet and in the real world
We will collaborate and we will be open to collaborations
Because this is what we enjoy doing;
picturing a world and showing it to you

Wildforest on bandcamp instagram facebook

Together with Maso Ricci conceived FplusM as a project of music reality deconstruction.
Their works are focused on a mixture of musical languages (from avangarde to techno music) deconstructed and then reassembled following a particular aestethical idea.
fplusm on bandcamp

The Knobbers Experience
TKE was born with the purpose to create a home for unconventional electronic artists.
The first step of the collective has been to raise attention to electronic music proposing live performances composed by different sets.
The collective is now producing their first release as indipendent label.

Fieldsquare is a project for space sonorization created together with Maso Ricci and Galleria FuoriCampo, and financially supported by ChiantiBanca.
It’s an acoustic meditation about space, as a real place of application of “quadrature” and its sound frame.

“Primordi” is a collaborative work together with Franca Marini (visuals) and Maso Ricci (music) .
It’s a audio visual work that explore and try to capture the inner relationship between visual arts and music.

“Primordi, realizzata in collaborazione con due musicisti italiani che praticano musica sperimentale elettronica, nasce con l’intento specifico di affrontare ed elaborare in maniera originale il rapporto tra immagini e suoni. Il risultato è un’opera artistica in cui suoni e immagini sinergicamente concorrono a rappresentare dimensioni affettive indefinite che si riferiscono ad un vissuto primordiale profondo comune a tutti gli uomini.
L’opera non ha una trama od una storia da raccontare. La sua costruzione rivela però un senso ed uno sviluppo temporale capaci di coinvolgere emotivamente lo spettatore che viene condotto, in una sorta di continuum sensoriale, dall’iniziale universo sonoro ed immaginifico atemporale a quello nel finale caratterizzato dalla presenza pregna di significati del corpo e della voce umana”